What is Hanain?
Hanain, the name of the Union for Tong-il
Characteristics and Roles of Hanain
"Hanain" is a term that encompasses all people related to Korea, settled in Korea, or who love Korea, including residents of North and South Korea, defectors, overseas Koreans, multicultural families, and foreigners. They are all members of the unified Korea who will live together and prepare for Tong-il.
A vision that Onehada wants to share with others
Along with the North Korean defectors who came to Korea with great courage as “Tong-il in progress," the diaspora who left Korea due to painful history are also important members who will work together to create a unified Korea.
Multicultural families are also deeply rooted in Korean society, and their presence will make the Republic of Korea more diverse after Tong-il.
Along with overseas Koreans around the world who are proudly settling in foreign lands and practicing public diplomacy, foreigners with a keen interest in Korea are also contributing to forming a global support base for the reunifica-tion of Korea and North Korea.
The name "Hanain" goes beyond simply referring to a diverse group of people, and serves as a focal point where they can unite for Tong-il. Hanain is continuing various activities and cooperation to share Korean Wave culture and prepare for Tong-il.
The Korean Wave plays a vital role in introducing Korea to people around the world through Korean music, dramas, movies, and food, and through this, it can play a role in helping not only the people of South and North Korea, but also all people related to Korea around the world share the hope and vision for Tong-il.
We aim to spread awareness of Tong-il through various education and activities based on the Korean Wave that we want. We will prepare for the Republic of Korea after Tong-il by informing people of Korean history and culture together with all Koreans around the world.
The name Hanain contains the meaning of “Union of All Those Preparing for Tong-il.” People from various backgrounds come together to understand and learn each other’s cultures and prepare for Tong-il. Through this, we prepare a world where we can understand and embrace the North Korean people whom we have not met for a long time. The union of Hanain will lead to a peaceful and prosperous Korean Peninsula.
Based on the power of the Korean Wave, we will strengthen education and activities toward Tong-il and lay the foundation for the entire world to prepare for Tong-il together. In this way, under the name of "Hanain," we are walking together on the path toward Tong-il by uniting diverse people and cultures. Based on cultural connection and understanding through the Korean Wave, we are moving toward the future of a unified Korea.
Hanain Global Women's Forum
Empowering women and building their own lives
Hanain Women's Union is a true women's organization that helps women build their own unique power and life. Hanain Women's Association is working to create a society where both women and children are happy, and to enable women to contribute to each individual, family, and society by providing settlement support, job training, and hosting various events and conferences.
Vision and Goals
The vision of Hanain Women's Union is to help women from diverse backgrounds settle down in Korea, understand and learn from each other's cultures, and prepare for Tong-il.
We are strengthening education and activities toward Tong-il and, based on these cultural connections and understandings that women have, we are moving toward the future of a unified Korea. We, who walk together on the path toward Tong-il by uniting diverse people and cultures, will do our best to build the power and life of women.
Through the various Hanain Women Settlement Support Programs, we provide various information and support to help North Korean women, overseas Koreans, and multicultural women settle down smoothly in Korean society. We provide a place to help women settle down successfully and participate in society.
Mom's Party with Hanain women!
On July 21, Hanain Women's Association participated in the "Mom's Party" event for Koryo-saram mothers hosted by the Incheon Soongeui Church in Incheon. This event, which is open to pregnant Hanain women and mothers of children aged 0-3, is an event to encourage women who are tired of raising children while settling down in Korea. So-yeon Lee, the representative of the Kind Heart Union, delivered a congratulatory speech. Eun-hye Lee, the representative of Onehada, participated as a panelist in the "Super Mom Talk Show" hosted by Koryo-saram leaders, along with Samonim Dul-nam Kim of the Incheon Soongeui Church, and actively sympathized with the stories of women who are having difficulties settling down in Korea and sought countermeasures.
1st : Speaker Yang Young-chang, North Korea expert / Target: All women
2nd: Speaker Ms. Hyeja Jo / Target All Women
3rd: Speaker Ms. Hyeja Cho / Target: All women, including Koryo people and North Korean defectors
4th: Speaker Lee In-ho, former Ambassador to Russia / Target: All Korean women, including Koreans
5th: Speaker: Professor Lim Young-sang, Emeritus, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies / Target: All women, including Koryo people
6th " Speaker: Professor Park Yoon-sook / Target: North Korean defector women
Hanain Global Women's Forum is an event that started to educate and work together with women. It is a conference that shares knowledge and Korean Wave culture for women. All participation fees are used to support the settlement of women. It has been held for a total of 6 times since 2023. This forum forms a global support base for women, represents the voices of women, and supports all activities of women for Tong-il.